A Common Question That Can Throw Off Your Social Security Claim

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It seems simple enough – you’ve gotten through most of your Social Security disability hearing, and the judge asks you, “What is a typical day like for you?” Many claimants will take this time to let the judge know that when they wake up, they make coffee and maybe some breakfast, then move to the couch where they stay until lunch, eat lunch, and then go back to the couch to nap and maybe watch TV until dinner and then bed.

While that may be a very broad summary of your day, it is important to be more descriptive and help the judge better understand your typical day. I often find that clients don’t realize that it’s important to let the judge know that when you say you “wake up,” you may not wake up at the same time every day. Many of my clients have difficulty sleeping with their conditions (whether it’s anxiety, pain, or pure insomnia keeping them awake), and with the difficulty sleeping, comes varied wake up times.

It’s also important to be descriptive with what kind of meals you are preparing for yourself – are they microwave meals, sandwiches, re-heating meals that were prepared for you by family or friends, or are you standing in the kitchen cooking a full meal?

Also, when you are sitting watching TV, what are you watching? Are you watching the news? Your favorite sitcom? Long action movies? No matter what you are watching, explain whether you are able to keep up with the storyline, whether you have to take naps during the shows/movies, and whether you can focus and concentrate on the television show/movie.

In sum, when you are discussing your claim with the judge, it is important to be as descriptive as possible so the judge can truly understand what a typical day is like for you – it is your job to explain to the judge what your life is like, living with your medical conditions. If you do not explain it to them to the best of your ability, they are unable to understand your situation.