Can Veterans Get Free Wills?

Can Veterans Get Free Wills?

Unfortunately, veterans are not always able to obtain free legal assistance from the attorneys that work on bases, ships, and installations. This means that while active members of the Armed Forces on active duty, Reservists released from active duty, retirees, and lawful dependents can sometimes get free legal assistance on base, veterans that do not fall into one of those categories cannot.

This sometimes means it is hard for veterans to find access to free wills. Sometimes local legal aid clinics or law school clinics offer events where veterans that attend can get a free will drafted for them, but those events typically are held only a few times a year.

There are some online form websites that offer free wills to veterans, but we do not recommend those as they are often drafted and signed without an attorney’s assistance, which can lead to negative outcomes.

At Wildoner Law, PLLC, we offer a 25% discount on our virtual packages to our veterans. With our virtual packages, you receive a consultation with an attorney (either via video chat or over the telephone), a draft of your completed documents to review for accuracy – and once you have approved the drafts – the final documents, ready for your signature. This means that if you are a veteran, you can receive a discount on our attorney-prepared documents all without leaving the comfort of your home!

Jacksonville Estate Planning Attorney

If you are in Florida and are interested in discussing estate planning, contact us today. If you are ready to get started on your Florida estate plan, you can do so here. If you are interested in our 25% discount for veterans, please reach out to us directly so we can begin working with you.