Top Three Mistakes Disability Claimants Make – And How to Avoid Them

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Whether this is your first time applying for disability or not, there are common mistakes that many Claimants make during the application process for their Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) case. This article outlines three of the most common mistakes, and how to avoid making them for your own claim.

The first common mistake is not appealing the initial or reconsideration denial you receive from the Social Security Administration (SSA). Often, Claimants receive their denial letter and think that is the end of the road and there is no point in appealing. That is almost always an incorrect assumption! Unfortunately, many claims are denied at the initial and reconsideration level. The best way you can combat this issue is by hiring an attorney early on in the process of your SSDI or SSI claim. You will work closely with the attorney, to ensure all deadlines are met, and the attorney will help give you guidance on possible resources available in your area, should you need them.

Another mistake is missing the appeal deadline stated by SSA. You only have sixty days from the date of the denial (plus an additional five days for mailing time) to submit your appeal. It is important that as soon as you receive a denial letter, you either file the appeal on your own, or you look for an attorney who can help you throughout the appeals process. The attorney will ensure that the appeal is filed on time, with the appropriate agency, so that your case can continue.

The third biggest mistake is when Claimants stop treating during the process. You cannot win a disability case if there are no medical records supporting your disabling conditions! Particularly in our area (Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Orange Park, etc.), the judges want to see regular and ongoing treatment for your conditions, with the appropriate physicians. If you have medical coverage, it is important for you to continue with your treating physicians and follow any and all recommendations and instructions. If you do not have medical coverage, look for some low or no cost clinics or health providers in your area – most areas (but not all!) have at least one facility that provides health care at a minimal cost, and some are even free.

If you have any questions about other mistakes disability Claimants often make or need a lawyer to help you with your claim, call today – (904) 657-0579.