A question many clients ask me at some point through the disability application and appeals process is how much money they can expect each month once their application for disability benefits is approved. It is hard to say with certainty, but there does come a time (typically a few weeks prior to the hearing) when I will be able to explain what their primary insurance amount (PIA) will be.
Social Security calculates your PIA by using your “average indexed monthly earnings,” which is a summary of up to 35 years of your indexed earnings. The way Social Security calculates your PIA using your averaged indexed monthly earnings is very complex and confusing.
However, you do not have to pull out your calculator just yet. The Social Security Administration offers an online account for everyone that includes personalized estimates of your future benefits based on your real earnings, your latest Statement, and the ability to review your earnings history.
Often creating one of these “my Social Security” accounts is the easiest way to check the most up-to-date as accurate information regarding your prior earnings and benefit amount. This can help you to (1) verify that your earnings history is correct and (2) budget for future disability and/or retirement benefits. Having this information at your fingertips can answer many of your questions about your expected disability benefit amount.
If you are applying for disability benefits and need help through the appeals process, contact an attorney today.